Easter Egg Listing (most of them, anyway) for Barn Runner: Cyclone Alley (C) Tacky World Interactive Games, 2004 by Scott LeGere _________________ ================= EASTER EGGS ================= * CHEAT CODES AHOY! ------------------- From the Menu Screen, click the small, leftmost circular tailpipe (between the two square thrusters). This will enable the cheat codes/ Press the following keys to cheat: BACKSPACE: This skips the current arcade mission. (This may cause errors with the movies,forcing you to press the SPACEBAR to skip them if they lock up. ENTER: Add to the fuel and health values. (Don't get carried away with this one!) PAGE UP: In-Game Save (in the file "DevSave.sav") PAGE DOWN: In-Game Load (from the file "DevSave.Sav" Must have saved the game in that slot already!) NOTE: Previously saved games will NOT have the cheats active. You must start a new game to benefit from them. * Cross Traffic --------------- As soon as you exit the canyon (level 2), fly all the way up to the top of the screen then pull back all the way to the bottom. You'll get a cool look at a CargoDyne with its storm shutters closed, flying right to left across the screen before the other CargoDynes arrive. ================= TRIVIA ================= *This is the only game (so far) in which the Gun Towers don't fire at the passing AutoDyne (not counting cutscenes). * C3PO makes a cameo in every Barn Runner game and this was the hardest game to find a spot for him yet. He can be seen from behind in the opening frames of the closing movie, guiding the AutoDyne down towards the landing pad. * This game marks the return of Dr. Noriko, last seen in The Ejection Rejection. Despite her limited screen time, she has proven unexpectedly popular with fans of the series. * The "big date" Prick ruined for Dr. Noriko was the latest in her ongoing relationship with The Chief (hinted at in many of the various endings of The Ejection Rejection). SPOILER: You can get Dr. Noriko's side of this event as a hidden Easter Egg in part two of "The Forever Friday" if you have the adult patch installed and the "Director's Cut" mode enabled (and provided you can find a way to unlock it, of course). * The entire Cyclone Alley canyon level was recycled into the re-release of The Ejection Rejection. The level was flipped upside down, edited slightly, and repainted. My thinking at the time was that since Cyclone Alley was no longer available for download, it would be a shame to never use that cool level again, so I stripped it out of this game and put it into that game as a new level (and also the portal to the completely new secret level map of the BGCZ). But now that I've re-released this game too, I can only hope that my recycling isn't too obvious. * The purple spider the HangarBot finds in the engine compartment is the same "Spotted Nappin' Spider" that Prick encounters in "The Prick Who Came In From The Cold." It must have hitched a ride after defeating (or escaping) the RattleFinch. Since Dr. Noriko appears in later games in this series, one can only assume she changed her mind about that cheese sandwich. * Originally, I had planned to code these two levels in the AGS engine and have them be an integrated part of the much larger "The Prick Who Came In From The Cold" but my coding skills at the time were just not up to it. Thus, this content was spun off into a seperate package created with GameMaker.